Jóladagatal ...4 - Ljótu smákökurnar

Jæja, hér er allt um ljótu smákökurnar mínar, ég gerði þessa færslu á ensku, þannig að ...English...yes?

So, I told you about the cookies I made.  I was running out of time and didn´t do a good job.  Therefor,  don´t be fooled by the photos,

“That´s just me,  not the recipe” (I´m a poet…)

Here is the recipe …with photos!  BUT I was clever enough to take a picture of the cookie in the magazine so you know what they are supposed to look like.

This is the lovely girl who won the competition (lots of people participated).  I even know her.  We  used to work together long time ago, and she is really nice :)



The Winning cookies of Gestgjafinn 2012 by Margrét Th Jónsdóttir

The cookies

  • 180 g butter, soft
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon milk

The caramel coconut flakes on top

  • 300 g coconut flakes, sweetened or regular, I used regular
  • 320 g toffees (I bought Icelandic toffees but any store bought cream caramel toffees are good)
  • 4 tablespoons heavy cream

On top

  • 225 g good chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon butter

Heat the oven to 180°c .

Mix together butter and sugar until light and creamy.  Add the dry stuff, then vanilla extract.  Mix well.  I use my Kitchen Aid.

Use the 1 tablespoon milk if the dough is too dry.


Roll out the dough, use flour to roll it out if you need, about 1/2 cm thick.  Cut out a hole in the middle of the dough.  Place the cookies on a parchment paper on a plate in the oven.  Bake for 10-12 minutes.  Cool.

Melt the toffee  with the cream on a low heat or in a bowl over hot water. (or in a microwave).  Stir the coconut flakes in the melted toffee and pour over the cookies.

Melt chocolate with butter.  Dip the cookies into the chocolate, bottom down.  Decorate the cookies with the rest of the chocolate .

Here you can see what those cookies should look like.


And this is what I did… I am so embarrassed.


And to be exact…REALLY EMBARRASSED  :D


Just look at the photo from the magazine to know what it is supposed to look like.  They can be very pretty because they are very good and just the basic cookie dough is very good and then you can improvise with the rest.

I told you, the sure are ugly  :P O my COD…How did I do this?

I made cookies today as well, chocolate chip cookies.  They are awesome.  I will post the recipe probably tomorrow or Saturday.

What are we talking about? 20th of Dec. already…4 days for us in Iceland, 5 for most of you :)


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1 identicon

Hi! I was looking over the spices in the kitchen I am renting and when I googled to find out what one was - your webpage popped up. Can you tell me what Karry de Lux is called in English? And your cookies look fine... it is all in the tasting, and I'll bet they taste great! thanks.

Mary (IP-tala skráð) 22.12.2012 kl. 20:00

2 Smámynd: Soffía Gísladóttir

Hi Mary. Thank you, they do taste great.

Karrý de lux is a spice blend from an Icelandic company called Pottagaldrar. In it is onion, garlic,tomatoes, cumin, cilantro, turmeric, ginger, paprika and sweet pepper core or something like that.

I like this spice.



Soffía Gísladóttir, 22.12.2012 kl. 21:46

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