Sítrónu kjúklingur með tagliatelle

Ég fékk þessa frábæru uppskrift frá henni Nönnu, gúmelaðe matgæðingi, þegar ég var andlaus hér um daginn.

Ég lét svo vaða og viti menn.  Þetta var frábær uppskrift.  Þetta er svona uppskrift að næst þegar ég verð með "casual" matarboð þá verður þessi réttur í boði.  Nú er bara að vona að einhver vilji koma í mat fljótlega.


"Lemon chicken – a delicious recipe.

2-4 chicken breasts (depending on how many people you have for dinner)
Cut each into two pieces, on the thicker side, i.e. thinning each.
That leaves you with 4-8 pieces which you coat with flour or spelt, liberally seasoned with black pepper.

Fry the chicken breasts in a mixture of olive oil and vegetable oil and put in a baking dish to keep in oven for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Due to the thinness of the slices they don’t need long.


Press 1-2 lemons and add the lemon juice to the pan, along with some chicken stock, around a cup or so. Add more pepper to taste, and finally 250 ml. cream, full fat or other according to taste.

Pour the thickened sauce over chicken and boil some tagliatelle.

Serve piping hot with Parmesan and a good, green salad."

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