11.12.2012 | 19:24
Jóladagatal ...13 - Pacchero með kjötsósu
Þetta er ekkert sérlega jólaleg færsla, en við opnum dagatalið og svo langar mig að setja inn uppskrift af frábæru pasta sem ég gerði um daginn. Pastað fékk ég hjá Frú Laugu. Þetta er alveg ótrúlega gott pasta. Ef ykkur vantar góða gjöf fyrir mataráhugamanninn í fjölskyldunni eða vinahópnum þá mæli ég með pasta sem þeir selja hjá Frú Laugu.
Dagur 11
I bought Pacchero, a type of pasta that looks like cannelloni. It was a really good one from a quality pasta maker in Italy. You can read more about them here.
When you have a good quality pasta all you kind of need is a good oil, fresh parmigiano and maybe some fresh basil. I had ground beef I needed to use, a first class beef from my friends the farmers. So I decided to use that but still have it simple because I had this nice pasta.
So all I did was making a very simple meat sauce.
Pacchero with a "very simple but rich in flavors" meat sauce
- Ground beef
- 1 can organic good tomatoes, chopped
- Salt
- Pepper
- Oregano
- Parmigiano Reggiano, cheese
- Prima Donna, cheese
- Garlic
Cook the meat on a frying pan with a dash of good olive oil, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Stir in the canned tomatoes. Simmer for a little while.
Serve with pasta and shredded cheese.
You could as well stuff it with something good and bake it in the oven...
My drops in the internet ocean can be found here
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